Resources for Chant
GUIDE TO THE TRANSCRIPTION OF POST-BYZANTINE CHANT: A new publication that sets out recommended guidelines and procedures to be used when transcribing hymns from Byzantine neumes to Western notation. Cost is $25 plus shipping and handling.
LITURGICAL GUIDEBOOK: The annual Guidebook identifies the Sunday hymn changes for the ecclesiastical year. Also includes a bibliography of liturgical music, recordings, and other music resources. Guidebook: $35. Order online from
COMPANION TO THE LITURGICAL GUIDEBOOK: The Companion, an updated handbook for church musicians, contains the order of special services, verses for the antiphons, guidelines for hierarchical visits, and other informative material. $20. Add shipping and handling.
MUSICA: Liturgical music periodical for directors, singers, psaltai, organists, and clergy. New issues distributed free to parishes. Topics: music and services of the Orthodox Church, hymnology, rehearsal techniques, liturgical resources, use of organ, role of choir directors, Byzantine chant, etc. 16-issue set: $16.00; multiple copies of any one issue: $1.00 each plus shipping & handling. Bulk orders negotiable.
COMMEMORATIVES - ST. ROMANOS ICONS, BOOKMARKS, and HYMNOGRAPJER PINS: Full-color icons and bookmarks of St. Romanos, patron saint of church musicians. 3”x5” icon mounted in a clear acrylic icon stand, with history of St. Romanos on the back: $5.00 each. Also, full color St. Romanos icons on glossy card stock: 3½”x5" ($1) or medium 8½"x6¾" ($2). Laminated Romanos bookmarks are $3.50 each. Hymnogrpaher pins are $3.00 each - chioce of Sts. Romanos, Thekla, Kassiane, and/or St. John Damascene. Add shipping and handling.
AWARD CERTIFICATES: Custom-designed Archbishop Iakovos Distinguished Service certificates for awards to psaltai. Also, the Ernest A. Villas Youth Music Award of Excellence certificates for junior psaltai. Certificates are $5 each; 10-15 =$4 each; 16+ = $3 each. Specify names with order for personalization. Add shipping and handling.
CHURCH MUSIC LISTSERV: Through the CHURCH MUSIC list, you’ll receive messages about Greek Orthodox church music and news from the Archdiocese that we think may be of interest to church musicians. This is a broadcast-only list and messages are limited to 1-2 per week. To date, there are more than 1300 members on the list. To be placed on the list, send your name, e-mail, church, city, and any other contact information you wish to include to
SHIPPING & HANDLING: On orders less than $30, add $5.00. Add 20% on orders over $30.
To order and for further information about National Forum materials, contact:
Lucy Pappadakes - E-mail: